10 Day Climate Forecast
10 Day Weather Outlook per Municipality

This website was developed by PAGASA that utilizes National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)’s Global Forecast System (GFS) outputs. This 10-day weather outlook per municipality operations is being updated every Monday and Thursday by the Climate Monitoring and Prediction Section/Climatology and Agrometeorology Division (CAD)

This product is based from the forecast of Global Forecast System (GFS) produced by National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) and details of its prediction system are available here https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/data-access/model-data/model-datasets/global-forcast-system-gfs

This 10-day forecast could provide advance notice of potential hazards related to weather, climate and hydrological events for farmers and other socio-economic sectors and could serve as inputs/basis to formulate local climate advisory for farmers, fisher folks and disaster preparedness.

For Particulars, please contact:


Chief, Climate Monitoring and Prediction Section (CLIMPS)

Climatology and Agrometeorology Division (CAD), DOST-PAGASA

Trunkline No.: (02)8284-0800 local 4920 and 4921

E-mail: asolis@pagasa.dost.gov.ph